Wholesale Lumber

King Forest Industries, Inc. Industries, Inc. produces 25— 30 million board feet per year of Eastern White Pine lumber. Our sawmill has been designed with several re-saw options that allow a high rate of production of many different products such as 4/4 thru 8/4 NELMA grade boards in all popular patterns, timbers all at the same time. We presently have 70 sorts which allow plenty of flexibility. Many sizes of log home timbers are produced as well. Having a dry kiln capacity of over 1.2 million board feet allows us to dry these thicker lumber sizes that other producers cannot. We are the only high-production specialty sawmill in the Northeast USA.

Our diverse portfolio includes a wide range of value-added and specialty products in commercial, residential and industrial applications. Quality control is of the utmost importance to us. You can be assured that King Forest Industries will do everything in its power to make the highest quality products.

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